<% @ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> Liturgia Horarum on-line <% Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3 Const TristateUseDefault = -2, TristateTrue = -1, TristateFalse = 0 %> <% destino=Request.querystring("archivo") lado=Request.querystring("formato") tiempolocal=Request.querystring("tiempo") %>
<%elseif (lado=2) then %> body { background: url("../libro_2.jpg") left top fixed white no-repeat} #contenedor{ display:block; /* set up as a block */ height:100%; /* set height to full page */ max-height:100%; padding-left:0px; /* pad left to avoid navigation div if required */ position:relative; /* set up relative positioning so that z-index will work */ z-index:3; /* allocate a suitable z-index */ min-width: 442px; width: 442px; margin-left: 00px; visibility: visible; transparent; } #presentacio { min-width: 442px; width: 442px; height:100%; /* set height to full page */ max-height:100%; margin-left: 00px; visibility: visible; scrollbar-face-color:#875408; scrollbar-shadow-color:#875408; scrollbar-highlight-color:#632984; scrollbar-3dlight-color:#875408; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#875408; scrollbar-track-color:#F7E5CB; scrollbar-arrow-color:#000000; } #scroll { float:left; width:440px; height:520px; overflow:auto; padding:00px; border:0px solid #ba8; margin:70px auto;} #scroll p {font-size:16px; line-height:18px;} #justizq {text-align:left; float:left; margin-left:10px; width:310px;}
<%else %> body { background: url("../fondo.jpg")} <%end if %> <% Dim objFSO Dim ObjCarpeta Dim ObjArchivo Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Redim ArrayImagenes(0) rootPath = Server.MapPath("/") imagenespath = rootpath & "\images\Portals\0\docs\Breviario\fuentes\imagenes\" Set ObjCarpeta = objFSO.GetFolder(Replace(imagenespath, "\", "/")) Indice=0 For Each ObjArchivo in ObjCarpeta.Files Indice=Indice+1 ReDim Preserve ArrayImagenes(Indice) arrayimagenes(Indice)=Replace(Right(ObjArchivo, Len(ObjArchivo) - Len(rootPath)), "\", "/") Next randomize imagen=arrayimagenes(int(rnd()*Indice)+1) Set objCarpeta = Nothing Set objArchivo = Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing %> <% if (Request.querystring("ponerestampa")="si") then if (lado=1) then %>
<%else %>
<%end if else set FSO = server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Filepath = Server.MapPath(destino) Set TextStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(Filepath, ForReading, False, TristateUseDefault) contenido= TextStream.ReadAll TextStream.Close Set TextStream = nothing contenido=replace(contenido,"


","") contenido=replace(contenido,"A HREF","a href") contenido=replace(contenido,"a href=""z","a href=""breviarionlineff.asp?formato=" & lado & "&archivo=z" ) contenido=replace(contenido,""," ") contenido=replace(contenido,"","&b_bgcolor=ff0000&b_fgcolor=000000&"" /> ") Response.Write contenido end if if ((lado=1) or (lado =2) ) then Response.Write "
" if (lado=1) then %>


<%else %>


<%end if %>
<%end if %>